Every author has a question that needs answering, or a point (or theme) from the author’s own experience which he/she wishes to explore. Once the question or the theme is discovered, the author’s worldview must be researched. Understanding the writer’s worldview will help unfold the theme and its conclusion. The presence or absence of God in a writer’s work is the basis for the author’s presentation. Since the events of Genesis 3, humanity has chosen one of two directions: righteousness or rebellion. The collective human ideas most often expressed in literature (love, sacrifice, hope, courage, etc.) are either expressions of godliness or sinfulness, depending upon the author’s intent.

At the Rutland Area Christian School, students are expected to research the author to ascertain his/her worldview, and then discover where it appears and is expressed in the literary work. Students are taught to compare and contrast varying worldviews with the truth claims of Christianity and to understand the differences. Students learn that if something is true, it is from God. All truth is God’s truth.

Literature is a tremendous discipline that demonstrates how sin has twisted and marred mankind and creation. It can also reflect its restoration through the person and work of Jesus Christ, who is the center of all learning.

Each year literature is selected from Shakespeare, mythology, the Classics, the novel, the short story, and poetry.