Age Requirement:
Students entering our First Grade must be 6 years old on or before September 1 of the school year they will be attending Rutland Area Christian School.
In our elementary school, the curriculum is a planned, traditional curriculum carefully selected to provide a framework in which to integrate biblical principles and to provide continuity in the learning experience. It is a logical sequence of skills and experiences. It is broad-based in scope and applies a literary, written and verbal approach to all traditional subjects.
Provision is again made for the developmental readiness, uniqueness, and needs of each individual child. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are an integral part of the total program. Each child is guided in learning to think biblically and in developing a Christian worldview.
The natural integration of biblical principles into the total learning experience is seen as fundamental, since Christian education includes the whole realm of human experience without separation between secular and spiritual. Our classrooms provide an atmosphere of respect and understanding and a discipline of habits of mind and body. We desire to stimulate a child’s growth in knowledge and love for learning. Our classrooms are a place where the mind can feed on ideas. Knowledge and truth are acknowledged to have their source in God.