Age Requirement:

Students entering our 3/4-year-old pre-school must be 3 years old on or before September 1 of the school year they will be attending RACS.


Because young children develop and learn at different rates, our preschool program is highly individualized. Children are assessed through informal observations and activities to determine their skill and competency levels in areas of gross and fine motor skills, colors and shape recognition, and basic number concepts, as well as social needs.

Our classroom environment and daily schedules are designed to be stimulating, challenging, FUN, and supportive of each child’s needs. We provide a wide range of activities that are both child and teacher initiated. Children are given time to explore the environment and choose the activities in which they wish to become involved.

In addition to encouraging exploration of materials, toys, and games that have been selected to foster the development of particular skills and concepts, a planned curriculum is essential if we are to provide the most varied and enriching experience possible. Art, music and dramatics, science, language and reading readiness, math manipulatives, cooking, field trips and current events are all included in both our preschool and kindergarten curriculum. God’s truth is integrated into the total learning experience. Bible memorization and chapel are part of the weekly program.